Monday, June 4, 2007

Avatar creating; Thing 2!

I have been trying to get onto Yahoo! avatars and cannot access the site due to some user conflict. The avatar thing and I don't agree anyway because it seems so non-creative, very much a paint-by-numbers thing. If I can't get to the site, I cannot. Off to register my blog with CSLA, and then a visit tonight with one of my book clubs. The book club has been together for years and filled with women who love to read a variety of material. Every day is filled with communication on such a variety of levels.


Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Book clubs are great! You will find some useful 2.0 tools for them.

Cardinal Reader said...

Welcome to the avatar world. I like yours, but it doesn't have a cat!

Liz Dodds said...

Your book club sounds great. You also have part of the same avatar I do- go bicycle riders!