Sunday, July 15, 2007

Week 5, Thing 12--Ning and Rollyo

Online Image Creators

Perhaps the right sign from Imagegenerator is here? My frustrated self, tortured by technology, hopes so....

I joined the ALA Ning--one I am proud to join and one that is well organized and maintained.
Lots of uses for the Nings--we have done communication in our district through listserves and Yahoo! groups---this should be easier--also, could set up a Ning just for one class or assignment--teacher, LMT, and students could communicate on fine points of the assignments, suggestions, whatever. Probably a Ning is smoother, easier for specific items than a Wiki...

My Rollyo is on "What shall I read next?" A computer whiz friend had created a library links
page for our school, doing the same thing as a Rollyo, and very popular with Harbor High staff and students and easy for all to use. But the advantage of a Rollyo is that kids can create their own on their personalized pages and with the use of a more commercially based tool, another skill set can be taught and incorporated.

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