Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Week 6, Number 13

Delicious is wonderful fun. I have been using it for about one year and have found it helpful when gathering information for students from near and far. The CSLA explanation was quite helpful, though, as was reading all of the background info I had glibly skipped over during the school year when all I wanted to do was save a site, and didn't have time to think through the entire process. Is there ever time to think through the entire process? On the other hand, is it worth doing if the process is not thought through?

I particularly love tags because they open up a world of searching. Not everyone thinks in a hierarchical manner and having a broader way to find information is refreshingly simple. Not possible in a print world; one of the bonuses of the digital world.

I searched for matzo ball soup recipes and found a couple definitely worth saving. My soup is very, very good, if I say so myself, but perhaps an actual recipe using actual proportions will be helpful to this cook.

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