Friday, June 1, 2007

The first post

Fun to post. But the avatar thing I don't really understand. Yes, a photo, but a basic cartoon, what is the point. Reminds me of early clip art when every school used the same few basic elements. The charm and surprise of the graphic design was over before we had even read the flyer.

Trouble setting up "other elements" to my blog page. Working on that still. I want to add these elements and make the page more interesting to the eye. Can I add mini-cams?


Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Welcome to School Library Learning 2.0 - we know you will enjoy the journey. Keep working at the avatar. One of the key reasons for schools to introduce avatars (rather than real photos) is to show students how to use representations of themselves so they are not so easily identified by persons they do not know. It is a CyberSafety issue.

Anonymous said...

I was not sure of the purpose of the Avatar at first, but I am liking the idea of students using representations and not real photos!

Harboring thoughts said...


Harboring thoughts said...


A good point--perhaps the creative student mind will enjoy both creating
and altering their avatars as the spirit strikes.

Retired Reader said...

I had not seen your avatar before. Quite cute. The first definition of Avatar in the American Heritage dictionary is the incarnation of a Hindu deity. I have not registered yet with CSLA so am not on the list. That is my next project.