Saturday, July 14, 2007


Week 5, Number 10, again - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more --is what came out from Image Chef!!! Where is the image itself? It did not work in the post section--here--and the alternative URL did not post when using Blogger's image editor in the Add an Element section of the layout page.

Spent too much time yesterday working on images and getting nowhere--even after following directions. Spent a lot of time trying to find URLs for specific Flickr images to post, including reading the FAQs, and ended up emailing a specific question to tech support. Will see if anything develops from that. Also looked at lots of photos before finding anything of quality to post.

Right now feeling very frustrated. You can feel it in my post--too many hours spent on a project for very little result. The FAQs on Flickr didn't answer my question, their blog comments are written by people like me, who know nothing, or by experts who know too much and it takes a lot of time to sort through them.
I could have read a novel that I could have placed in a student hands several times throughout the school year in the time I played with these images.

On the other hand, woke up this morning with several ideas of how to use my own photos for a blog I make available to the students, now that I know how to post photos from Flickr to a blog. All sorts of illustrated talks--both humorous and instructive-- can be made available through my home page now. Just have to work on that download to Flickr thing--uploading is a snap.

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