Thursday, July 26, 2007

Week 8, Thing 18. Web based documents.

I'm on Google Docs, which I discovered last year, but did not know much about. All trial and error, quite a bit of each, in fact. I have used this to proofread various docs relatives have sent, and it makes communication, suggestions, revisions quite easy. Should help with communications the lmt's are sending to district level offices, or to board.

Big question? Can I publish? Let's see. And I am experimenting with inserting a table, which I always mess up. Why is that? Hardly a new item and still not adept....

Native speakers
Non-native speakers
Computer lab usage:

Lunch time usage:



Liz Dodds said...

Hey! Way to insert the table! It seems to have worked. I think all these Google Docs and Spreadsheets are going to really take off- I wonder if our students will use them instead of a flash drive?

Harboring thoughts said...

Good point--but many of my students don't have Internet access as home. They have a computer and word processing, but not the Internet. As LMTs we will always be teaching computer based and web based saving techniques to cover inequities among our students. While I always recommend flash drives as gifts to students in our newsletter, I don't think 50% of our students have them. Even proposed that the school purchase one for each student and distribute, and the principal liked the idea, but recurring cost, and loss of product put it off. When will our legislature see that a flash drive is the same powerful learning tool as a geometry textbook?