Monday, August 20, 2007

Week 8, Thing 19--Library Thing

Back to my blog--actually been missing it--after a family vacation. Loved Library Thing and wanted to honor it with this photo of the Library of Congress which I found on Flickr Creative Commons. I know I learned some things in this class--was able to explain some of Flickr to my brother-in-law who wants to share photos of his paintings and explain why it was the site for him. He had been on Flickr to look at other photos and was astonished by the quality of photos placed there.

Other good news--have used Google spreadsheets for some financial planning. Still working with them, but the concept of having the spreadsheets available to me under my Google account at any time on any computer is a strong incentive for using this spreadsheet over a computer based document. I know there are more theft possibilities involved with a Web based document than a computer based one, but really, who is interested in my grocery bill?

As a library department funded by a parcel tax, we constantly deal with income and distribution issues. What a great way for a department to communicated.

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